
After transferring sophomore year from Simmons University in Boston, I am a junior at Reed College in Portland, Oregon pursuing my B.A. in philosophy, with a personal educational emphasis in creative writing.

Philosophically, I am most interested in how new technologies interact with our world and society. My goal is to write my senior thesis on philosophical issues pertaining to AI language models, machine learning, generative art, and future physical-technological integration, particularly emphasizing epistemological consequences of these technologies. After graduation, I am looking to pursue a Ph.D. in philosophy.

I am also an editor at the Reed Quest, the campus newspaper, for the 2024-2025. I was elected to the position by my peers after a semester of being a staff writer. At the Quest, I take on webmaster responsibilities on top of content editing and writing. On campus, I photograph some of the student life at Reed and often participate in weekly events.

When I am not busy with schoolwork, I work on my novel, short stories, and write poetry while sending out work for publication. Some of my non-academically driven interests and hobbies include blues, jazz, and international music, musical history, learning Latin, physical fitness, classic and cult films, art, photography, and comedy.